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7.8 References7 Positive childhood and transition to adulthoodABS and AIHW (Australian Bureau of Statistics and Australian Institute of Healthand Welfare) 2005, The Health and Welfare of Australia’s Aboriginal andTorres Strait Islander Peoples, Cat. no. 4704.0, ABS, Canberra.Bourke, C.J., Rigby K. and Burden, J. 2000, Better Practice in School Attendance.Improving the School Attendance of Indigenous Students, Monash University,Melbourne, http://www/dest.gov.au (accessed 28 April 2003).Harslett M., Harrison B., Godfrey J., Partington G. and Richer, K. 1998, Promotingsuccess in schooling for Indigenous students: long term programs, QualitySchools for Aboriginal Students Research Project paper, Edith CowanUniversity and Education Department of Western Australia,http://www.eddept.wa.edu.au/Abled/quality/quality.htm(accessed 29 April 2003).MCEETYA (Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and YouthAffairs) 2000, National Statement of Principles and Standards for MoreCulturally Inclusive Schooling in the 21 st Century,http://www.curriculum.edu.au/mceetya (accessed 30 April 2003).—— 2001, Exploring Multiple Pathways for Indigenous Students, MCEETYATaskforce on Indigenous Education, Discussion Paper, MCEETYA, Melbourne,http://www.curriculum.edu.au/mctyapdf/exploringmultiplepathways.pdf(accessed 12 July 2003).Purdie N., Tripcony P., Boulton-Lewis G., Fanshawe J. and Gunstone A. 2000,Positive Self-identity for Indigenous Students and its Relationship to SchoolOutcomes, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane,http://www.dest.gov.au (accessed 28 April 2003).Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody 1991, National Report,volume 4, http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/special/rsjproject/rsjlibrary/rciadic/(accessed 19 June 2003).7.1 Years 5 and 7 literacy and numeracyACER (Australian Council for Educational Research) 2004, What do we Knowabout the Experiences of Australian Youth?, Victoria.MCEETYA (Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and YouthAffairs) 2007, National Report on Schooling in Australia 2005: Preliminary56

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