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performance reports collected data on students achieving a year 12 certificate in2005 as a proportion of students who were enrolled in year 11 in 2004.Data on year 10 attainment are problematic because there is no acknowledged year10 qualification in some jurisdictions. Jurisdictions that do issue year 10 certificatesgenerally only require reasonable school attendance rather than demonstratedacademic achievement.The ABS 2004-05 NATSIHS and the ABS 2004-05 NHS collected information onthe highest level of schooling completed. An analysis of these data show that:• A smaller proportion (22.1 per cent) of Indigenous people than non-Indigenouspeople had completed year 12 (46.6 per cent) (table 3A.3.18)• Indigenous people who had completed year 12 were less likely to beunemployed (9.5 per cent) than those who had only completed year 9 or below(24.3 per cent) (table 3A.3.19).Figure 3.3.5 Students who achieved a year 12 certificate (as a proportion ofstudents who were enrolled in year 11 in the previous year),government and Catholic systems, 2001–2005a, b, c10080IndigenousNon-IndigenousPer cent60402002001 2002 2003 2004 2005a The requirements for the awarding of a year 12 certificate vary in each jurisdiction. b Enrolled in year 11 atthe time of the annual national school census in August the previous year. c Care needs to be taken whencomparing attainment outcomes for Indigenous students over the period 2001–2005 because of the smallnumber of Indigenous students represented.Source: Department of Education, Science and Training (unpublished); tables 3A.3.11–15.• Many Indigenous students leave school before completing year 10, and of thosewho enter senior secondary years, results show that they are less likely to obtaina year 12 certificate than their non-Indigenous counterparts (figure 3.3.5).Figure 3.3.2 showed that large proportions of Indigenous students leave schoolbetween years 10 and 11 and between years 11 and 12.28 OVERCOMINGINDIGENOUSDISADVANTAGE 2007

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