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Box 1.45Things that work• The Groote Eylandt Liquor Management Plan in the NT was developed in 2005 toreduce the number and harm of liquor related incidents in Groote Eylandt andBickerton Island (box 8.1.2).Tobacco consumption and harmTobacco use is an important contributor to premature death and ill-health. It isestimated that smoking is responsible for 20 per cent of all cancers and 21 per centof heart disease in Australia. In addition to the long term health risks, tobacco useamong low income groups can have immediate, insidious effects, by divertingscarce family resources away from beneficial uses.Box 1.46KEY MESSAGES• Nationally, in 2004-05:– 50 per cent of Indigenous adults were current daily smokers (figure 8.2.1)– after adjusting for age differences, Indigenous adults were more than twice aslikely as non-Indigenous adults to be daily smokers (46 per cent compared to 21per cent) (table 8A.2.2).• From 1995 to 2004-05, the proportion of current daily smokers among bothIndigenous women and men living in non-remote areas remained constant(figure 8.2.3).Tobacco use is often associated with other lifestyle related health risk factors, suchas excessive alcohol consumption, low levels of physical activity and poor diet.Drug and other substance use and harmReducing drug-related harm will improve health, social and economic outcomes atboth the individual and community level. Illicit drug consumption has played a rolein the involvement of Indigenous people in the criminal justice system. There is astrong connection between domestic violence and drug and alcohol use inIndigenous communities. The use of substances such as inhalants (for example,petrol and glue) can lead to brain damage, disability or even death.OVERVIEW 43

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