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9.7 Engagement with service deliveryTable 9A.7.1Table 9A.7.3Table 9A.7.2Table 9A.7.4Table 9A.7.5Table 9A.7.6Reasons for not going to a hospital in the last 12 months, Indigenous peopleaged 18 years and over, by remoteness, 2004–05How Indigenous people felt after they had been discriminated againstbecause of their Indigenous status, 2004-05Indigenous people's perception of their treatment when seeking health carein the previous 12 months, compared to treatment of non-Indigenous people,2004–05What Indigenous people did after they had been discriminated againstbecause of their Indigenous status, 2004–05Communication with service providers, Indigenous persons aged 15 years orover, by sex, 2002Communication with service providers, Indigenous persons aged 15 years orover, by State and Territory 2002Table 9A.7.7 Communication with service providers, Indigenous persons by age, 2002Table 9A.7.8Discharges from hospital against medical advice, by Indigenous status andsex (excluding mental and behavioural disorders), Queensland, WA, SA andpublic hospitals in the NT, July 2002 to June 20049.10 References9 Functional and resilient families and communitiesANCD (Australian National Council on Drugs) 2003, Diversion of Aboriginal andTorres Strait Islander Youth from Juvenile Detention: A Report to the AustralianNational Council on Drugs, Canberra.AGD (Australian Government Attorney-General’s Department) 2001, Violence inIndigenous Communities, Crime Prevention Branch, Canberra.Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody 1991, National Report,http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/special/rsjproject/rsjlibrary/rciadic/ (accessed 19June 2003).FUNCTIONAL ANDRESILIENT FAMILIESAND COMMUNITIES

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