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O’Callaghan, K. 2005, Indigenous Vocational Education and Training: At aGlance, NCVER, Adelaide.OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) 2004, Learningfor Tomorrow’s World — First Results from PISA 2003, France.Saunders, J., Jones, M., Bowman, K., Loveder, P. and Brooks, L. 2003, IndigenousPeople in Vocational Education and Training: A Statistical Review of Progress,NCVER, Adelaide.Wolfe, B. and Haveman, R. 2001, ‘Accounting for the social and non-marketbenefits of education’, in Helliwell, J. (ed.), The Contribution of Human andSocial Capital to Sustained Economic Growth and Well-Being, OECD andHuman Resources Development Canada, University of British Columbia Press,Vancouver.Zubrick, S.R., Silburn, S.R., De Maio, J.A., Shepherd, C., Griffin, J.A., Dalby,R.B., Mitrou, F.G., Lawrence, D.M., Hayward, C., Pearson, G., Milroy, H.,Milroy, J. and Cox, A. 2006, The Western Australian Aboriginal Child HealthSurvey: Improving the Educational Experiences of Aboriginal Children andYoung People, Curtin University of Technology and Telethon Institute for ChildHealth Research, Perth.3.5 Labour force participation and unemploymentABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics) 2001, ‘Unemployment trends and patterns’,in Australian Social Trends 2001, Cat. no. 4102.0, ABS, Canberra.—— 2002, Year Book Australia 2002, no. 84, Cat. no. 1301.0, Canberra.—— 2005, Labour Force Characteristics of Aboriginal and Torres Strait IslanderAustralians, Experimental Estimates from the Labour Force Survey, 2005,Cat. no. 6287.0, Canberra.—— 2006, Year Book Australia 2006, no. 88, Cat. no. 1301.0, Canberra.Altman, J., Buchanan, G., and Biddle, N. 2006, ‘The real ‘real’ economy in remoteAustralia’, In Hunter, B. (ed.) Assessing the Evidence on IndigenousSocioeconomic Outcomes: A Focus on the 2002 NATSISS, Research Monographno. 26, Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research, Australian NationalUniversity, Canberra, pp. 139–152.ATSIC (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission) 1994, Annual Report1993-94, Canberra.—— 2003, Annual Report 2003-04, Canberra.148

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