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The analysis on homicides below is based on separate data from the AIC (collectedas part of the National Homicide Monitoring Program) and the ABS. The methodfor collecting homicide data differs between the AIC and the ABS. The AIC dataare collected from offence reports of homicide coming to the attention of theAustralian police and from coronial records across Australia, while the ABS dataare based on information supplied to the Registrars of Births, Deaths and Marriages(who are responsible for registering all deaths in their jurisdiction).One limitation of the AIC data is that the method used for determining Indigenousstatus of both the victim and offender varies across states and territories. Indigenousstatus may be identified by police solely on the external appearance of the victimand offender in some areas, while for others it is by self identification (see sections3.11 and 3.12). In ABS data Indigenous identification is supplied by the next of kinwhen registering the death. Also, details of the cause(s) of death are provided by thecertifying medical practitioner or coroner.Despite the above limitations, the AIC and ABS data allow for some detailedexamination of the circumstances and characteristics of homicide occurring in theIndigenous and non-Indigenous populations.92 OVERCOMINGINDIGENOUSDISADVANTAGE 2007

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