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Box 11.4.2 (continued)‘Managing in Two Worlds’ — Governance Training Program (Vic)The Managing in Two Worlds Governance Training Program aims to strengthen themanagement capacity of Victorian Aboriginal community organisations and improveservice delivery in the community sector. The program has been built on the suite ofgovernance training developed by ORAC and is being managed and funded byAboriginal Affairs Victoria in partnership with ORAC, Consumer Affairs Victoria andSwinburne University. The program is available to board members and key staff fromVictorian Indigenous community organisations.The pilot phase of the program was conducted in 2005-06 and comprised:• three three-day introductory workshops covering generic governance skills andpractices, roles of board members and management training• a four week residential accredited TAFE training program in all aspects ofgovernance providing participants with a Certificate 4 in Business (Governance).An independent review of the workshop component of the program found that theworkshops were successful in addressing governance-related Indigenous capacitybuilding needs. Feedback during, and at the conclusion of, the workshops showed thatparticipants found the content and presentation of the workshops met their needs. Afollow-up survey demonstrated the practical impact of the training, which has includedsharing information with other board members, constitutional changes, changes topolicies and procedures and scheduling of board planning days.The pilot phase of the program saw:• 68 people complete the workshops, with a completion rate of 98 per cent• 14 people graduate from the Certificate 4, with a completion rate of 100 per cent.The Program has been extended into 2006-07 and it is expected that a further 120people (4–5 workshops) will complete the workshops and over 40 people (3 courses)will complete the Certificate 4.Source: ORAC (www.orac.gov.au); Aboriginal Affairs Victoria, Department for Victorian Communities(unpublished).ECONOMICPARTICIPATION ANDDEVELOPMENT11.39

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