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• income• suicide and self-harm• substantiated child abuse and neglect• family and community violence• imprisonment and juvenile detention rates.Outcomes in this area are also related to outcomes in other strategic areas for action,particularly:• early child development and growth (injury and preventable diseases,birthweight, hearing impediments, children with tooth decay) — chapter 5• positive childhood and transition to adulthood (juvenile diversions, transitionfrom school to work) — chapter 7• substance use and misuse — chapter 8• effective environmental health systems (overcrowding in housing) — chapter 10• economic participation and development (Indigenous owned or controlled land,governance capacity and skills, governance arrangements) — chapter 11The Australian Government Attorney-General’s Department’s report, Violence inIndigenous Communities, noted that violence towards children was having majoradverse effects on the future of Indigenous families and communities (AGD 2001).The inability of child abusers or neglecters to deal with their problems has beenidentified as a contributing factor in the perpetuation of a cycle of abuse. Thewitnessing and experiencing of violence from a young age has been shown tomanifest later in life as being strongly associated with both a desensitisationtowards violence, and a predisposition towards violence in one’s own relationships(AGD 2001).As explored in more detail in section 3.11:• family and community violence and child abuse problems are complex, and areinterrelated with other health issues, as well as socioeconomic andenvironmental conditions• alcohol and substance use have been identified as common contributing factorsto violence in Indigenous communities• the presence of family violence is a strong predictor of child abuse.(See sections 3.9, 3.10 and 3.11 for more information on substantiated child abuseand neglect, and family and community violence.)OVERCOMINGINDIGENOUSDISADVANTAGE 2007

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