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Australia 1995–2003, Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice, No. 320,Australian Institute of Criminology, Canberra.Jamieson, L., Roberts-Thomson, K.F., 2006, ‘Indigenous children and receipt ofhospital dental care in Australia’, International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry,vol. 16, pp. 327–34.Jamieson, L., Armfield, J.A., Roberts-Thomson, K.F., 2006a, ‘The role of locationin Indigenous and non-Indigenous child oral health’, Journal of Public HealthDentistry, vol. 66, pp. 123–30.Jamieson, L., Armfield, J.A., Roberts-Thomson, K.F., 2006b, ‘Oral healthinequalities among Indigenous and non-Indigenous children in the NorthernTerritory of Australia’, Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, vol. 34,pp. 267–76.MCEETYA (Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and YouthAffairs) 2007, National Report on Schooling in Australia 2005: PreliminaryPaper National Benchmark Results Reading, Writing and Numeracy Years 3, 5and 7, Melbourne.National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System, cited in National Centre in HIVEpidemiology and Clinical Research) 2006, HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis andSexually Transmissible Infections in Australia, Annual Surveillance Report2006, NCHECR, The University of New South Wales and AIHW, Sydney.NSW Department of Juvenile Justice 2003, NSW Young People in Custody HealthSurvey. Key Findings Report, 2003, NSW.OCSAR (Office of Crime Statistics and Research) 2006, Crime and Justice in SouthAustralia - Juvenile Justice 2005, Adelaide.—— 2005a, Crime and Justice in South Australia — Juvenile Justice 2004,Adelaide.—— 2005b, Young People Born in 1984: Offending Behaviour of JuvenilesApprehended at Least Once, Government of South Australia, Adelaide.Queensland Police Service 2006, Annual Statistical Review 2004-05, Brisbane.Taylor, N. 2006, Juveniles in Detention in Australia, 1981–2005, Technical andBackground Paper, no. 22, Australian Institute of Criminology, Canberra.University of Western Australia 2004a, Pathways through Justice: A StatisticalAnalysis of Offender Contact with the WA Juvenile Justice System, CrimeResearch Centre, Perth.—— 2004b, Crime and Justice Statistics for Western Australia, Crime ResearchCentre, Perth.A5.20 2007

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