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View - LIME Network

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Figure 3.12.2 Crude imprisonment rates, by gender, 30 June 2006a, b, cMale prisoners7000IndigenousNon-IndigenousPrisoners/100 000 adults6000500040003000200010000NSW Vic Qld WA SA Tas ACT NT AustFemale prisoners7000Prisoners/100 000 adults6000500040003000200010000NSW Vic Qld WA SA Tas ACT NT Austa Indigenous imprisonment rates are calculated using the low series population projections for June 30 2006(ABS Cat no. 3238.0) and are not age standardised. b Data for NSW excludes ACT prisoners held in NSWprisons. c Data for the ACT includes ACT prisoners held in the ACT as well as ACT prisoners held in NSW.Source: ABS (unpublished); table 3A.12.7.• Figure 3.12.2 shows that imprisonment rates for Indigenous and non-Indigenousmales are considerably greater than imprisonment rates for Indigenous andnon-Indigenous females across all states and territories.• Nationally, on 30 June 2006, Indigenous males were 16.8 times more likely thannon-Indigenous males to be in prison, and Indigenous females were 23.1 timesmore likely than non-Indigenous females to be in prison (figure 3.12.2). Over the128

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