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Table 3.12.1 Age standardised imprisonment rates per 100 000 adultpopulation, 30 June 2006 a, bIndigenousNon-IndigenousRatio of Indigenous tonon-Indigenous cNSW d 1 892.7 153.5 12.3Victoria 940.4 96.5 9.7Queensland 1 463.5 137.8 10.6WA 2 668.5 144.8 18.4SA 1 451.9 116.1 12.5Tasmania 410.6 143.3 2.9ACT e 812.1 72.6 11.2NT 1 416.3 115.1 12.3Australia 1 668.2 129.8 12.9a Indigenous imprisonment rates are calculated using the low series population projections for 30 June 2006(ABS Cat. no. 3238.0). b Prisoners with unknown Indigenous status are excluded from the calculation of agestandardised imprisonment rates. c The ratio of Indigenous to non-Indigenous imprisonment is calculated bydividing the Indigenous age standardised imprisonment rate by the non-Indigenous age standardisedimprisonment rate. d Data for NSW exclude ACT prisoners held in NSW prisons. e Data for the ACT includeACT prisoners held in the ACT as well as ACT prisoners held in NSW.Source: ABS (2006); table 3A.12.3.• Nationally in 2006, Indigenous people were 12.9 times more likely thannon-Indigenous people to be imprisoned, with an age standardised imprisonmentrate of 1668.2 prisoners per 100 000 adult Indigenous population compared with129.8 per 100 000 for non-Indigenous prisoners (table 3.12.1).• There were 6 091 Indigenous prisoners in Australia at 30 June 2006, increasingeach year from 4 494 Indigenous prisoners counted at 30 June 2002(table 3A.12.1). Of the 25 790 prisoners in Australia at 30 June 2006(table 3A.12.1), Indigenous prisoners accounted for 23.6 per cent of the prisonerpopulation (table 3A.12.5). This proportion has increased from 20.0 per cent in2002 (table 3A.12.5).126

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