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extent to which people over 18 years (1) participate in post secondary education and(2) have attained a particular level of qualification.The broad types of courses Indigenous people are undertaking at higher educationinstitutions along with load pass rates for VET courses and success rates for highereducation are also examined.Post secondary participationABS surveys, including the 1994 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait IslanderSurvey (NATSIS), 2002 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander SocialSurvey (NATSISS), 2002 General Social Survey (GSS), 2004-05 NATSIHS and the2004-05 NHS, provide information on the proportion of people who had left schooland were attending a technical or further educational institution (including TAFEcolleges, business colleges and industry skills centres), or university or other highereducational institutions.Figure 3.4.1 Participation in post secondary education by persons aged 18years and over, 2002 and 2004-05 a, b20IndigenousNon-IndigenousPer cent151050University Other Total postsecondaryUniversity Other Total postsecondary2002 2004-05a Error bars represent 95 per cent confidence intervals around each estimate (see chapter 2 for moreinformation). b Other includes TAFE, technical college, business college, industry skills centre.Source: ABS 2002 NATSISS (unpublished); ABS 2002 GSS (unpublished); ABS 2004-05 NHS and NATSIHS(unpublished); table 3A.4.1.• Figure 3.4.1 shows that there was no significant change in participation in postsecondary education for Indigenous people between 2002 and 2004-05.• Nationally in 2004-05, non-Indigenous people were 1.6 times as likely asIndigenous people to attend a university, while Indigenous people were moreHEADLINEINDICATORS33

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