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Leach, A.J., Boswell, J.B., Asche, V., Nienhuys, T.G. and Mathews, J.D. 1994,‘Bacterial colonisation of the nasopharynx predicts very early onset andpersistence of otitis media in Australian Aboriginal infants’, The PediatricInfectious Disease Journal. vol.13, pp. 983–989.Lehmann, L., Tennant, M., Silva, D., McAullay, D., Lannigan, F., Coates, H. andStanley, F. 2003, ‘Benefits of swimming pools in two remote Aboriginalcommunities in Western Australia: intervention study’, British Medical Journal;327(7412):415-419.Lowell, A. 1991, ‘Effects of Otitis media on the development of communicationsskills in Aboriginal Children’, paper presented at the Education for AllConference, Darwin, September (cited in Nienhuys (1992)).Menzies School of Health Research 2001, Recommendations for Clinical CareGuidelines on the Management of Otitis Media in Aboriginal and Torres StraitIslander populations, Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care,Canberra.Morris, P.S., Leach A.J., Silberberg P., Mellon G., Wilson C., Hamilton E. andBeissbarth J. 2005, ‘Otitis media in young Aboriginal children from remotecommunities in Northern and Central Australia: a cross-sectional survey’, BMCPediatrics, vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 27–36.Morris, P.S., Leach, A.J., Halpin, S., Mellon, G., Gadil, G., Wigger, C.,Mackenzie, G., Wilson, C., Gadil, E. and Torzillo, P. 2006, ‘An overview ofacute otitis media in Australian Aboriginal children living in remotecommunities’, Vaccine, September 22.Nienhuys, T.G. 1992, ‘The significance of prelingual conductive hearing loss forauditory and linguistic development of Aboriginal infants’, ConferenceProceedings Medical Options for Prevention and Treatment of Otitis Media inAustralian Aboriginal Infants, Menzies School of Health Research and theAustralian Doctors Fund Darwin, 16–18 February,http://www.adf.com.au/archive.php?doc_id=137 (accessed 9 June 2005).New South Wales Department of Health (NSW DoH) 2002, Report of the NewSouth Wales Chief Health Officer Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander PeoplesOtitis Media and Myringotomy by Indigenous Status,http://www.health.nsw.gov.au/public-health/chorep/atsi/atsi_om.pdf (accessed21 July 2003).TICHR (Telethon Institute for Child Health Research) 2006, The Swimming PoolStudy, 2000–2006, Western Australian Department of Housing and Works andWestern Australian Department of Health, Perth.EARLY CHILDDEVELOPMENT ANDGROWTH5.57

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