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old. Some will be new’ (Cornell and Begay 2003). Approaches to cultural match byapplicants to the Indigenous Governance Awards are summarised in box 11.5.16.Box 11.5.16 Cultural normsMalabam Health Board Aboriginal Corporation cited traditional authority andconsensus as their over riding modus operandi. At times, certain groups/individualscarry more weight e.g. the traditional owners have authority on issues of land, and theIndigenous mental health worker would have authority on mental health issues.Yamatji Marlpa Barna Baba Maaja Aboriginal Corporation, one of the native titlerepresentative bodies, has an innovative working group structure. Native title workinggroups have the authority to make decisions on a community’s behalf utilising their owntraditional laws and customs. However, they must also follow the instruction of thewider claim group.Malabam Health Board Executive Committee is made up of ceremony leaders andelders from eight language groups, as well as outsiders. Elders have traditionalauthority to ensure the right people are involved in decision-making. A desire to keepculture strong underpins all decisions.Waltja Tjutangku Palyapayi Aboriginal Corporation Management Committeesupports tradition, law and culture in remote communities. Its board is made up ofrespected senior women nominated by their communities.Bunuba Inc. councillors are democratically elected but, in line with traditional practice,serve at the discretion of their clan elders through an unwritten code. All decisionsrelating to land require prior consent of the traditional elders belonging to that country.Nari Nari Tribal Council clan representation methods within the organisation arereviving traditional roles within Aboriginal society. Nari Nari involves the localcommunity in decision-making by consulting on each proposal.Warlayirti Artists has developed with the cultural values of the Indigenous artists itrepresents. These artists advise staff on important cultural issues and the boardrespects the responsibility which senior people with cultural authority carry, whether ornot they are members of the committee.Institute for Aboriginal Development hosts the Regional Aboriginal Language andMaintenance Advisory Committee, which comprises elders who provide advice oncultural matters and determine funding allocations for language and cultural programs.Aboriginal Drug and Alcohol Council has a funded elder position in its organisation.Link-up NSW board is composed of senior people nominated on the basis ofmerit/respect. Board members work together under the direction of a communityleader; gender issues in male and female business are respected; and decisions aredirected by the traditional philosophy of the community, not hierarchical practices.Source: IGA 2006, pp. 37–39.11.68 OVERCOMINGINDIGENOUSDISADVANTAGE 2007

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