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Box 1.47• In 2004-05:KEY MESSAGES– 28 per cent of Indigenous adults living in non-remote areas reported illicitsubstance use in the previous 12 months (table 8.3.1)– marijuana (23 per cent), amphetamines (7 per cent) and analgesics/sedatives(for non-medical purposes) (6 per cent) were the most commonly usedsubstances (table 8.3.1).• For all homicides recorded from 1999-2000 to 2004-05, a lower proportion ofIndigenous homicides than non-Indigenous homicides occurred under the influenceof drugs (23 per cent compared to 35 per cent) (figure 8.3.2).Box 1.48Things that work• The introduction of alternative fuels with low aromatics in more than 50 Indigenouscommunities in the Central Desert Region of the NT, WA and SA has beensuccessful in reducing the incidence of and harm from petrol sniffing (box 8.3.2).• The Mt Theo Program successfully eliminated regular petrol sniffing in Yuendumu, aremote Aboriginal community northwest of Alice Springs, NT (box 8.3.2).Functional and resilient families and communitiesFamilies and communities are the mainstay of our society. The extent to which theyare functional and resilient influences a range of outcomes for Indigenous people. Acaring, protective and supportive environment, together with positive healthoutcomes and cultural awareness, are particularly important.Dysfunctional families and communities can lead to breakdowns in relationshipsand social alienation, and contribute to physical and mental health problems.Ultimately, life expectancy, education, imprisonment, violence, employment andincome can be affected.Box 1.49Things that workThe Lake Tyers Community Renewal Project is a partnership in progress between theLake Tyers Aboriginal community and the Victorian Government. Strategies under theRenewal Project have improved community infrastructure and created opportunities forpositive community engagement (box 9.1).44 OVERCOMINGINDIGENOUSDISADVANTAGE 2007

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