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Figure 3.6.2 Median and mean real gross weekly equivalised householdincome, Indigenous people aged 18 years and over (2004-05dollars) a, b5004001994 2002 2004-05$/week3002001000MedianMeana Adjusted for inflation using the Consumer Price Index for the June quarter 1994 and the December quarter2002 and 2004-05. b Error bars represent 95 per cent confidence intervals around each estimate (see chapter2 for more information).Source: ABS 1994 NATSIS, 2002 NATSISS and 2004-05 NATSIHS; table 3A.6.2.• Between 1994 and 2004-05 there were significant increases in both median andmean Indigenous household incomes (increases between reference years wereonly significant between 2002 and 2004-05 and not between 1994 and 2002)(figure 3.6.2).• Between 1994–95 and 2003–04, the average (mean) real income of allAustralian households increased by 21 per cent. There was a comparableincrease for each of the different income groups; 22 per cent for low incomehouseholds, and 22 and 19 per cent for middle income and high income groupsrespectively (ABS 2006). 7The distribution of household income is also an important indicator of apopulation’s economic wellbeing. The percentage of households which haveincomes that lie in particular ranges is a measure of relative advantage ordisadvantage. The income quintiles as measures of income distribution aregroupings that result from ranking all people in the population in ascending orderaccording to their gross weekly equivalised household incomes and then dividing7 Income values are in 2003–04 dollars and are measured by equivalised disposable householdincome. After all households are ranked from lowest to highest by their household income, lowincome households are those whose incomes are between the lowest 10 and 30 per cent, middleincome households are those between 50 and 60 per cent, and high income household are thosebetween 90 and 100 per cent.60 OVERCOMINGINDIGENOUSDISADVANTAGE 2007

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