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• Analysis of data from the Top End 8 between 2000 and 2002 found:– a history of diagnosed mental illness (including depression) in 49 per cent ofall suicides.– use of alcohol around the time of death in 56 per cent of all cases, and druguse in a further 16 per cent of all cases.– 41 per cent of all suicides were by unemployed people, who constitute 4per cent of the Top End population.Table 3.8.1Standardised non-fatal hospitalisations for intentional selfharm,Qld, SA, WA, and public hospitals in the NT, 2004-05a, b, cNumber of hospitalisationsAge standardisedhospitalisation rate (per 1000people) dIndigenousNon-Indigenous Not stated Total IndigenousNon-Indigenous eMales 382 4 287 125 4 794 2.7 1.2Females 448 7 096 148 7 692 3.0 2.0All people 830 11 383 273 12 486 2.9 1.6a Non-fatal refers to records where the hospitalisation was not equal to ‘died’. Intentional self-harm refers tohospitalisations with at least one external cause in X60–X84, based on the ICD-10-AM classification. b Databased on State of usual residence. c Indigenous data are reported for Queensland, WA, SA and the NT only.These four jurisdictions are considered to have the highest level of accuracy of Indigenous identification,although the level of accuracy varies by jurisdiction and hospital. Data for these four jurisdictions overrepresentIndigenous populations in less urbanised and more remote locations. Hospitalisation data for fourjurisdictions should not be assumed to represent the hospitalisation experience in the other jurisdictions.d The rates per 1000 population were directly age standardised using the ABS estimated resident populationdata as at 30 June 2001. e The non-Indigenous rate includes ‘not stated’ hospitalisations.Source: AIHW National Hospital Morbidity Database (unpublished); table 3A.8.5.• In 2004-05, the age standardised non-fatal hospitalisation rate for intentionalself-harm was higher for Indigenous people — 2.9 per 1000 Indigenous peoplecompared with 1.6 per 1000 non-Indigenous people (table 3.8.1).• Indigenous females (3.0 per 1000 Indigenous females) had a higher agestandardised hospitalisation rate for self-harm than Indigenous males(2.7 per 1000 Indigenous males.). The same was true for non-Indigenous femalesand males (2.0 per 1000 and 1.2 per 1000 respectively).8 The Top End refers to the northern part of the NT.HEADLINEINDICATORS81

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