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Nationally comparable learning outcomes data for years 5 and 7 for 2005 andprevious years are reported in the attachment tables. Background information andissues in relation to national benchmarks used in reporting on literacy and numeracyare addressed in section 6.3 of chapter 6.Year 5 readingFigure 7.1.1 Proportion of year 5 students who achieved the readingbenchmark, 1999–2005 a, b10080Indigenous studentsAll studentsPer cent60402001999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005a The achievement percentages reported in this table include 95 per cent confidence intervals, for example,80 per cent ± 2.7 per cent. b Students who were absent or withdrawn from testing are not classified asassessed students and are not included in the benchmark calculations.Source: MCEETYA (2007); table 6A.3.4.• Figure 7.1.1 shows no statistically significant change over time (from 1999 to2005) in the proportion of year 5 Indigenous students who achieved the readingbenchmark. Performance levels for all students have been consistently higherthan for Indigenous students over time.• For all years except 2001 and 2003, the proportion of year 3 Indigenous studentswho achieved the year 3 reading benchmark was significantly higher than theproportion of year 5 Indigenous students who achieved the year 5 readingbenchmark (figures 6.3.1 and 7.1.1). For all students, the proportion of year3 and 5 students who achieved the respective benchmarks were similar overthese years (figures 6.3.1 and 7.1.1).POSITIVE CHILDHOODAND TRANSITION TOADULTHOOD7.7

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