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Box 9.6.5The Rumbalara Football and Netball ClubThe Rumbalara Football and Netball Club in Shepparton, Victoria, featured in the 2005report, has recently celebrated 10 years since it was accepted into the CentralGoulburn Football League. The club’s vision is still strong and, through its sportingactivities and various programs and ventures, is continuing to provide a range ofbenefits for the Shepparton community.The Academy of Sport, Health and Education (ASHE), which was developed inassociation with the University of Melbourne, is not only addressing young people’sskills base and furthering education and employment opportunities, but is alsoproviding wider community benefits:The social and economic benefits of this engagement are already being demonstrated withoutcomes in the areas of education, training, employment and reduced juvenile criminaljustice interventions in the region (University of Melbourne 2006, p. 1).The club operates programs that support education, employment and healthy lifestyles.Although the club is not a service provider in these areas, the aim is to:…build round the footy club an approach to education and an approach to employment andto confronting lifestyle challenges, drugs, alcohol, boredom and also really critically dealingwith mental health issues (Australian Prospect 2006 p. 12).Employment benefits for young people are discernible through many successful jobmatchings and placements:• over a two year period 160 young people were placed in jobs through the club’sprograms• a large number of potential employers have been enlisted to offer employment, 60employers were able to offer 100 jobs to young people at the club (AustralianProspect 2006).Much of the value for members of the club is much less tangible. Playing sport haslong been an important community activity and has carried a very special significanceto Aboriginal people. It is a way of respecting and sharing Aboriginal identity and areaffirmation of cultural expression:The footy club is a place that young people can see pride expressed in their identity. That’sthe real value of the sporting club and from that we can do all sorts of other things includingbuilding pride, esteem, inspiration and aspiration (Australian Prospect 2006, p. 7).Rumbalara Football and Netball Club, and especially the team building that is involvedin sport, is also providing a model for older people and others in the community. It is apositive example for social relationships where young people can show elders how toshare and come together for a common purpose. According to Paul Briggs, ClubPresident ‘it’s a real centre for healing and a place for spiritual revival…’(Australian Prospect 2006, p. 11).Source: Australian Prospect 2006; University of Melbourne 2006.FUNCTIONAL ANDRESILIENT FAMILIESAND COMMUNITIES

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