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5 Early child development and growthStrategic areas for actionEarly childdevelopmentand growth(prenatal toage 3)Early schoolengagementandperformance(preschool toyear 3)PositivechildhoodandtransitiontoadulthoodSubstanceuse andmisuseFunctionaland resilientfamilies andcommunitiesEffectiveenvironmentalhealth systemsEconomicparticipationanddevelopment- Injury and preventable diseases- Infant mortality- Birthweight- Hearing impediments- Children with tooth decayProviding children with a good start in life can have a profound effect on theirpassage through the life cycle. While options and opportunities in the future can bedetermined at this early stage, so too can barriers.Early childhood experiences have a significant influence on health and educationaloutcomes in later life. Research has shown that health, growth and development inthe first three years of life play a crucial role in later outcomes. Brain developmentis at its greatest to the age of three. Deprivation, stress and neglect in these earlyyears can have significant impacts on later childhood and adult health andeducational outcomes (see, for example, McCain and Mustard (1999), and Keatingand Hertzman (1999)).Headline indicators influence, or reflect, the environment in which young childrenare born and grow up:• household and individual income• suicide and self-harm• substantiated child abuse and neglect• family and community violence• imprisonment and juvenile detention rates.Early child development and growth can be affected by outcomes in other strategicareas for action including:EARLY CHILDDEVELOPMENT ANDGROWTH5.1

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