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Figure 3.6.6 Main sources of individual gross weekly income, people aged18 years and over, 2004-05 a, bCDEP Salaries and w ages Gov. pensions/allow ances Other100Per cent of population806040200MajorcitiesRegional Remote VeryremoteAustMajorcitiesRegional Remote VeryremoteAustIndigenousNon-Indigenousa Other’ category includes ‘other cash incomes’ and source of income ‘not stated/not know. ‘Regional’includes inner and outer regional areas. b Non-Indigenous data are not available for very remote areas asthey were not collected in the 2004-05 NHS. The records for the very remote areas have been attributedappropriately to national estimates.Source: ABS 2004-05 NATSIHS and NHS (unpublished); table 3A.6.8.In 2004-05:• Over half of Indigenous people (51.6 per cent) received most of their individualincome from government pensions and allowances, followed by salaries andwages (33.9 per cent) and CDEP (10.1 per cent) (figure 3.6.6).• The proportion of Indigenous people with salaries and wages as the main sourceof individual income decreased with remoteness, while the proportion withCDEP as the main source of individual income increased with remoteness.• In contrast, 47.1 per cent of non-Indigenous people reported salaries and wagesas their main source of individual income, followed by government pensions andallowances (26.2 per cent) and other cash income (20.3 per cent) (figure 3.6.6).• Non-Indigenous people in regional areas were more likely to report governmentpensions and allowances as their main source of individual income(31.8 per cent) and less likely to report salaries and wages (42.5 per cent),compared to those in major cities (23.8 and 49.0 per cent, respectively) andremote areas (21.3 and 53.2 per cent, respectively) (figure 3.6.6).Section 12.1 of chapter 12 in this Report examines in detail how levels of incomefor both Indigenous and non-Indigenous people varied according to age, sex andremoteness. The key findings are:64 OVERCOMINGINDIGENOUSDISADVANTAGE 2007

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