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elationships are presented in this section for NSW, Victoria, Queensland and theNT. For Victoria, Queensland and the NT the offence category ‘assault’ includes‘domestic violence related assault’ (that is, domestic violence related assault is asubset of assault).Victim-offender relationship data by selected offences against the person (murder,assault, domestic violence related assault, sexual assault, sexual assault (victimsaged 0–15) and robbery) are presented to provide some information on policerecorded community violence. There are no standard definitions for the four broadcategories of victim-offender relationships (family, stranger, other and unstated).These definitions vary between states and territories and may be based on asubjective assessment by a police officer.Data from other jurisdictions are not published in this Report, either because there isno process to identify Indigenous status or, where data are collected, they are not ofsufficient coverage or quality to publish.Police data provide some insight into the level of Indigenous victimisation withinthese states. These data are not comparable between jurisdictions and are subject tothe caveats included in the figures and tables.Using police records to measure family and community violence raises some issues,including:• The data do not represent all victims of crime, just those that come to theattention of, and whose details are recorded by, police.• The data presented generally reflect victims of violent criminal incidents wherethe violent incident was reported to, or otherwise detected by, police.• The tendency to report criminal victimisation to police may differ betweenIndigenous and non-Indigenous people (and there is no way of estimating thelevel of under-reporting).110

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