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Figure 3.3.1 School participation rates of full time students aged 12–19years, all schools, 2006 a, b10080IndigenousNon-IndigenousPer cent6040200NSW Vic Qld WA SA Tas ACT NT Austa The participation rate is the number of full time school students of a particular age, expressed as aproportion of the estimated resident population of the same age at June in 2006. b Calculations of rates forthe Indigenous population are based on ABS Experimental Projections, Aboriginal and Torres Strait IslanderAustralians (low series, 2001 base). There are no comparable population data for the non-Indigenouspopulation. Calculations of rates for the non-Indigenous population are based on data derived by subtractingIndigenous population projections from total population estimates and should be used with care.Source: ABS Schools Australia 2006 (unpublished); table 3A.3.2.• Nationally in 2006, 60.5 per cent of Indigenous people aged 12–19 years wereenrolled in schools compared with 69.7 per cent of non-Indigenous people(figure 3.3.1).• The participation rate in 2006 for Indigenous and non-Indigenous people aged12–14 years was generally over 90 per cent. High participation rates are to beexpected because school education was compulsory in all states and territoriesfor people between 6 and 15 years of age in 2006 (extending to 16 years of agein SA and Tasmania) (table 3A.3.2).• The participation rate for Indigenous people 15 years old was 79.4 per centcompared with 95.2 per cent for non-Indigenous people (table 3A.3.2).• In general, the age of students in year 12 is 17 years (ABS 2007). In 2006,31.8 per cent of Indigenous people aged 17 years were participating in schooleducation. For non-Indigenous people, 64.7 per cent of 17 year olds wereparticipating in school education (table 3A.3.2).• Table 3A.3.2 shows that for both Indigenous and non-Indigenous people,participation rates declined as students exceeded the compulsory school age.School participation rates by states and territories and by age can be found intable 3A.3.2.24 OVERCOMINGINDIGENOUSDISADVANTAGE 2007

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