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Western Australian Government commentsIn the past 5 years the Western Australian Government has supported three majorpieces of work that have independently changed the way in which governmenthas responded to issues facing Indigenous people, families and communities. Notonly are these pieces of work independently significant but have the collectivepotential to provide a solid basis for the development of the State IndigenousServices Framework and Action Plan.• ‘Putting People First’ The Western Australian Governments Action Plan forAddressing Family Violence and Child Abuse in Aboriginal Communities inresponse to the Gordon Inquiry provided a conceptual framework for agenciesto work together in providing improved services to Indigenous families. Theimplementation of the Action Plan commenced in 2003 and is ongoing with anevaluation due to be completed in 2007.• The Western Australian Government and the Australian Government joinedwith the Institute for Child Health Research to enable the collection andanalysis of data to assist in understanding policy issues in relation to the needsof Indigenous people in Western Australia.The Western Australian Aboriginal Child Health Survey (WAACHS) hasproduced 4 volumes in which the State Government and the Institute for ChildHealth Research have worked closely to ensure that the analysis for thisground-breaking data can be utilised by policy makers in governmentagencies:Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3Volume 4The Health of Aboriginal Children and Young PeopleThe Social and Emotional Wellbeing of Aboriginal Children andYoung PeopleImproving the Educational Experience of Aboriginal Childrenand Young PeopleStrengthening the Capacity of Aboriginal Children, Families andCommunities.The WAACHS volumes draw attention to the Overcoming IndigenousDisadvantage framework as an ‘important advance in which both form andcontent of policy are directed at improving Aboriginal circumstances’.IMPLEMENTATION OFTHE FRAMEWORKA2.11

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