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5.4 Hearing impedimentsTable 5A.4.1Table 5A.4.2Table 5A.4.3Table 5A.4.4Table 5A.4.5Table 5A.4.6Table 5A.4.7Table 5A.4.8Persons with a long-term hearing problem: type of ear/hearing problem, by ageand Indigenous status, 2004-05 (per cent of population)Persons with a long-term hearing problem: type of ear/hearing problem, by ageand Indigenous status, 2001 (per cent of population)Persons with a long-term hearing problem: type of ear/hearing problem, byremoteness areas and Indigenous status, 2004-05 (per cent of population)Persons with a long-term hearing problem: type of ear/hearing problem, byremoteness areas and Indigenous status, 2001 (per cent of population)Persons with otitis media, by age and Indigenous status, 2004-05 (per cent ofpopulation)Age specific separations where the principal diagnosis was diseases of the earand mastoid process, Qld, WA, SA, and public hospitals in NT, 2004-05Age specific separations where the principal diagnosis was diseases of the earand mastoid process, Qld, WA, SA, and public hospitals in NT, 2003-04Age specific separations where the principal diagnosis was diseases of the earand mastoid process, Qld, WA, SA and public hospitals in NT, 2002-03Table 5A.4.9 Age specific separations where the principal diagnosis was diseases of the earand mastoid process, Qld, WA, SA and public hospitals in NT, 2001-025.5 Children with tooth decayTable 5A.5.1Table 5A.5.2Table 5A.5.3Table 5A.5.4Table 5A.5.5Table 5A.5.6Decayed and decay-free infant teeth in 4- to 10-year-old children enrolled inschool dental services in NSW, SA and the NT, by Indigenous status andlocationDecayed and decay-free permanent teeth in 6- to 14-year-old children enrolledin school dental services in NSW, SA and the NT, by Indigenous status andlocationMean number of teeth with decay for children enrolled in the NT School DentalService, by age and Indigenous status, 2002-03Mean tooth decay (dmft) for 4- to 10-year-old children enrolled in the NT SchoolDental Service, by SEIFA index of relative socio-economic disadvantage, ageand Indigenous status, 2002-03Mean tooth decay (DMFT) for 6- to 13-year-old children enrolled in the NTSchool Dental Service, by SEIFA index of relative socio-economicdisadvantage, age and Indigenous status, 2002-03SA, infant and permanent tooth decay, mean dmft and DMFT by Indigenousstatus and age, 2002 Child Dental Health SurveyTable 5A.5.7 SA, proportion of children with calculus and gingival bleeding by Indigenousstatus and age, children attending school dental service, 2002 Child DentalHealth SurveyTable 5A.5.8 Dental hospitalisations for children aged 2 to 14 years, per 100 000 children, bysociodemographic characteristics and Indigenous status, 2002-03Table 5A.5.9 Hospital dental procedure rates for children aged 2 to 14 years, per 100 000children, by sex and Indigenous status, 2002-03Table 5A.5.10 Hospital dental procedure rates for children aged 2 to 14 years, per 100 000children, by age group and Indigenous status, 2002-03Table 5A.5.11 Hospital dental procedure rates for children aged 2 to 14 years, per 100 000children, by remoteness area and Indigenous status, 2002-035.50 OVERCOMINGINDIGENOUSDISADVANTAGE 2007

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