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AIC (Australian Institute of Criminology) 1993, Tangentyere Night Patrol, inPrevention Awards 1993, Australian Institute of Criminology, Canberra, pp. 34–42.Bolger, A. 1991, Aboriginal Women and Violence, Australian National University,North Australia Unit, Darwin, NT.Gordon, S., Hallahan, K., Henry, D. 2002, Putting the Picture Together: Inquiryinto Response by Government Agencies to Complaints of Family Violence andChild Abuse in Aboriginal Communities, Department of Premier and Cabinet,Western Australia.Martin, D.F. 1992, ‘Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Homicides: Same butDifferent’, in Homicides: Patterns, Prevention and Control, Proceedings ofConference 12–14 May, Australian Institute of Criminology, Canberra, pp. 167–176.Memmott, P., Stacy, R., Chambers, C., and Keys, C. 2001, Violence in IndigenousCommunities, Attorney General’s Department, Canberra, in association withAboriginal Environments Research Centre, University of Queensland(http://www.ncp.gov.au/agd/WWW/ncphome.nsf/Page/Publications_All_Publications_Family_Violence).Mouzos, J. 2001, Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Homicides in Australia: AComparative Analysis, Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice, June2001, Australian Institute of Criminology, Canberra.NHMRC (National Health and Medical Research Council) 2002, Report on aReview of Literature on the Epidemiology of Violence in Rural and RemoteAustralia and Resources to the Management of Violence, Canberra,http://www.nhmrc.gov.au/publications/_files/hp16lit.pdf (accessed 24 October2006).National Research Council 1998, Violence in Families, Assessing Prevention andTreatment Programs, Chalk, R. and King, P. (eds), Washington, D.C.Robertson, B. 2000, The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women’s TaskForce on Violence Report, Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait IslanderPolicy and Development, Queensland.3.11 Family and community violenceABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics) 2004, National Aboriginal and Torres StraitIslander Social Survey, 2002, Cat. no. 4714.0, Canberra.154

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