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Terms of referencePRIME MINISTERCANBERRAMr Gary BanksChairmanSteering Committee for theReview of Commonwealth/State Service ProvisionC/- Productivity CommissionLocked Bag 2Collins Street East Post OfficeMELBOURNE VIC 80033 MAY 2002Dear Mr BanksI am writing in my capacity as Chairman of the Council of Australian Governments(COAG). As you would be aware, COAG met on 5 April 2002 and agreed to undertakefurther work to advance reconciliation. A copy of the communiqué from the recent COAGmeeting is attached for your information.COAG agreed to commission the Steering Committee for the Review ofCommonwealth/State Service Provision (SCRCSSP) to produce a regular report to COAGagainst key indicators of indigenous disadvantage. The key task will be to identifyindicators that are of relevance to all governments and indigenous stakeholders and thatcan demonstrate the impact of programme and policy interventions.The development of the indicators will be progressed in the first instance throughdiscussions at officials level between COAG, the Ministerial Council for Aboriginal andTorres Strait Islander Affairs (MCATSIA) and the SCRCSSP. I understand that theSCRCSSP proposed at its recent meeting to progress this matter through a working groupthat will include representatives of the COAG senior officials working group onreconciliation and MCATSIA officials. Such an approach is consistent with the COAGdecision.XXIITERMS OF REFERENCE

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