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In the period 2001 to 2005, after taking into account the different age structures ofthe two populations, in the four states and territories for which data are available:• Suicide rates for Indigenous males were significantly higher (between 32.3 and84.9 per 100 000) than those for non-Indigenous males (between 17.0 and25.8 per 100 000) (figure 3.8.3).• Suicide death rates were also higher for Indigenous females (between 6.2 and21.0 per 100 000) than non-Indigenous females (between 4.3 and 5.1 per100 000) (figure 3.8.3).• Suicide death rates were higher for males than females for both Indigenous andnon-Indigenous people (figure 3.8.3).• Suicides as a proportion of all deaths were higher for Indigenous people than fornon-Indigenous people (2.6 to 6.9 per cent compared to 1.4 to 2.0 per cent)(table 3A.8.4).A 2006 study of NT suicides between 1981 and 2002 (Measey et al. 2006), usingdata from ABS death registrations and the NT’s Coroner’s office, found that:• the age-adjusted rate of suicide in NT had been higher than the national ratesince 1996, and was rising.• Between 1981 and 2002:– The incidence of Indigenous suicide has increased since low levels in theearly 1980s and has become an increasing problem.– Averaged over the whole period, Indigenous and non-Indigenous rates weresimilar but Indigenous suicide rates rose rapidly and are now significantlyhigher than non-Indigenous rates.– The suicide rate for Indigenous males rose by 800 per cent while the rate fornon-Indigenous males rose by 30 per cent.– The overall rate of suicide by Indigenous males increased by an annualaverage of 17.4 per cent, while the Indigenous female rate increased by anannual average of 25.8 per cent.– 87 per cent of all NT suicides were by males.– 75 per cent of NT suicides were by non-Indigenous people, who make up 72per cent of the population.– Amongst Indigenous people, males aged 25–44 years had the highest suiciderate, and males aged 10–24 had the second highest rate.– Amongst non-Indigenous people, males over the age of 65 were most at risk.80 OVERCOMINGINDIGENOUSDISADVANTAGE 2007

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