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Data on full time and part time employment by State and Territory are reported intable 11A.1.2.Employment by public/private sector, industry and occupationAfter taking into account the different age structures of the Indigenous andnon-Indigenous populations, in 2004-05:• Indigenous people were significantly more likely to be employed in the publicsector (33.1 per cent of the labour force) compared to non-Indigenous people(16.5 per cent of the labour force) (table 11A.1.6).• Non-Indigenous people were significantly more likely to be employed in theprivate sector (78.5 per cent of the labour force) than Indigenous people(54.8 per cent of the labour force) (table 11A.1.6).Figure 11.1.7 Employment by public/private sector, Indigenous people aged18 to 64 years, 2004-05 a, bNon-CDEPCDEPPer cent of labour force100806040200Public sector Private sector Public sector Private sectorTotal non-remote areasTotal remote areasa Total non-remote includes major cities, inner regional and outer regional areas; total remote includesremote and very remote areas. b Error bars represent 95 per cent confidence intervals around each estimate(that is the total Indigenous employment rate, which includes CDEP and non-CDEP employment) (seechapter 2 for more information).Source: ABS 2004-05 NATSIHS (unpublished); table 11A.1.7.In 2004-05:• Indigenous employment in the private sector (including CDEP participation)decreased with remoteness. The employment rate in the private sector was59.3 per cent for Indigenous people living in ‘total non-remote areas’compared to 41.2 per cent for those in ‘total remote areas’ (figure 11.1.7).11.14 OVERCOMINGINDIGENOUSDISADVANTAGE 2007

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