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Table 9.3.2Age standardised hospitalisation rates for potentiallypreventable chronic conditions, per 100 000 people, Queensland,WA, SA and public hospitals in the NT, 2004–05 a, bIndigenousNon-Indigenous cAsthma rate 485.6 182.8 190.2Congestive cardiac failure rate 777.6 193.0 203.7Diabetes complications rate 17 891.2 1 615.3 1 907.0Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases rate 1 402.7 265.0 282.3Angina rate 608.7 221.0 229.2Iron deficiency anaemia rate 163.7 98.0 99.6Hypertension rate 122.9 30.3 32.2Nutritional deficiencies d rate 2.0 0.6 0.8Total for potentially preventable rate 20 477.3 2 496.8 2 822.5chronic conditions eTotal hospitalisations for allrate 95 139.9 34 005.8 35 338.8conditionsHospitalisations for potentiallypreventable chronic conditions as aproportion of hospitalisations for allconditions% 16.7 7.4 8.0a Hospitalisation rates are directly age standardised to the Australian population at 30 June 2001. b Data arebased on state of usual residence. c Non-Indigenous includes hospitalisations of people identified as notIndigenous as well as those with a ‘not stated’ Indigenous status. d The Indigenous nutritional deficienciesstandardised rate is based on only 25 hospitalisations and should be used with caution. e The total is not thesum of the individual conditions because diabetes complications overlap other categories.Source: AIHW National Hospital Morbidity Database (unpublished); table 9A.3.2.Total• Hospitalisation rates for Indigenous people with potentially preventable chronicconditions were 8.2 times as high as the rates for non-Indigenous people(20 477.3 hospitalisations per 100 000 Indigenous people compared to 2496.8hospitalisations per 100 000 non-Indigenous people, respectively) (table 9.3.2).• Hospitalisation rates for Indigenous people with diabetes complications were11.1 times as high and for chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases 5.3 times ashigh as the rates for non-Indigenous people (table 9.3.2).• Hospitalisations for potentially preventable chronic conditions were morecommon among Indigenous people (16.7 per cent) than non-Indigenous people(7.4 per cent), which suggests that inadequate use of, or access to, primary healthcare services is a greater contributor to Indigenous hospitalisation rates.• From 2001-02 to 2004-05, hospitalisations for potentially preventable chronicconditions increased every year for Indigenous people (tables 9A.3.1 and9A.3.2). The hospitalisation rate for potentially preventable chronic conditions in2004-05 was 2.1 times as high as the rate in 2001-02 (20 477.3 hospitalisationsper 100 000 people compared to 9683.2 hospitalisations per 100 000 people)(tables 9A.3.1 and 9A.3.2).OVERCOMINGINDIGENOUSDISADVANTAGE 2007

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