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10.2 Access to clean water and functional sewerageTable 10A.2.1Table 10A.2.2Table 10A.2.3Main source of drinking water, discrete Indigenous communities, byremoteness area, 2001, 2006Water restrictions and interruptions, in discrete Indigenous communities, byreported usual population 2006Testing of drinking water in discrete Indigenous communities, by reportedusual population, 2006Table 10A.2.4 Type of sewerage systems in discrete Indigenous communities, byremoteness area, 2001, 2006Table 10A.2.5 Sewerage system overflows or leakages in discrete Indigenouscommunities, by usual population, 2006Table 10A.2.6 Frequency of sewerage system overflows or leakages in discreteIndigenous communities, by State and Territory, 200610.3 Overcrowding in housingTable 10A.3.1 Persons living in overcrowded households, by Indigenous status, 2002,2004-05Table 10A.3.2 Indigenous people living in overcrowded households, by remoteness, 2004-05Table 10A.3.3Table 10A.3.4Table 10A.3.5Indigenous people: living in overcrowded households, by State andTerritory, 2004-05Indigenous people aged 15 years or over: living in overcrowdedhouseholds, by tenure and landlord type, 2004-05Indigenous people 18 years and over who reported overcrowding as astressor in the last 12 months, by Remoteness Areas, 2002 and 2004-0510.6 References10 Effective environmental health systemsDFACS (Commonwealth Department of Family and Community Services) 2003,National Indigenous Housing Guide, Canberra.DHAC (Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care) 1999, The NationalEnvironmental Health Strategy, Canberra.Pholeros P., Rainow S. and Torzillo P. 1993, Housing for Health: Toward a HealthyLiving Environment for Aboriginal Australia, Health Habitat, Sydney.10.1 Rates of diseases associated with poor environmental healthAIHW (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare) 2004, Australian HospitalStatistics 2002-03, Cat. no. HSE 32, Health Services Series no. 22, Canberra.10.30 OVERCOMINGINDIGENOUSDISADVANTAGE 2007

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