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Figure 9.3.2 compares the length of time since Indigenous and non-Indigenouspeople last consulted a GP/specialist.Figure 9.3.2 Time since last consulted GP/specialist, people aged 18 yearsand over, by Indigenous status, age standardised, 2004-05 a353025IndigenousNon-IndigenousPer cent20151050Visited in last 2weeks2 weeks to lessthan 3 months3 months to lessthan 6 months6 months to lessthan 12 months12 months ormorea Error bars represent 95 per cent confidence intervals around each estimate.Source: ABS 2004-05 NATSIHS; table 9A.3.9.After taking into account the different age structures of the Indigenous andnon-Indigenous populations:• In 2004-05, the overall pattern of times since Indigenous and non-Indigenousadults had last consulted a GP/specialist was similar (figure 9.3.2).• A higher proportion of Indigenous than non-Indigenous adults had visited aGP/specialist in the two weeks prior to the survey (28.7 per cent compared with25.1 per cent) (figure 9.3.2).• A greater proportion of Indigenous than non-Indigenous adults had not consulteda GP/specialist in the past 12 months in 2004-05 (17.8 per cent and 14.5 percent, respectively) (figure 9.3.2).• A higher proportion of Indigenous adults living in remote areas had notconsulted a GP/specialist in the past 12 months than Indigenous adults living innon-remote areas, in both 2001 and 2004-05 (table 9A.3.9).Table 9A.3.10 compares the length of time since Indigenous and non-Indigenouspeople last consulted a dentist. A lower proportion of Indigenous thannon-Indigenous people visited a dentist in the two years prior to the survey beingcompleted in 2001 and 2004-05. Further, a greater proportion of Indigenous thannon-Indigenous people had not consulted a dentist for two years or more in 2001and 2004-05. Indigenous people living in remote areas were more likely to haveOVERCOMINGINDIGENOUSDISADVANTAGE 2007

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