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• Primary health care expenditure on medical services per Indigenous person wasone-third of the expenditure per non-Indigenous person in 2001-02. For dentalservices, expenditure per Indigenous person was one-quarter of the expenditureper non-Indigenous person (table 9.3.1).• Expenditure per person on community health services was 6.5 times greater forIndigenous people than non-Indigenous people ($959 compared to $148)(table 9.3.1).• Expenditure per person on pharmaceuticals was less for Indigenous people,one-third of that for non-Indigenous people ($144 compared to $475)(table 9.3.1).Hospitalisations for potentially preventable conditionsIn many cases, hospital admissions can be prevented if more effective non-hospitalcare were available, such as primary health care services, either at an earlier stage inthe disease progression or as an alternative to hospital care (Australian HealthMinisters’ Advisory Council 2006). This section explores preventable illness bylooking at hospitalisations for potentially preventable chronic (tables 9.3.2and 9.3.3) and acute conditions (table 9.3.4), vaccine-preventable conditions(table 9.3.5), and infections with a predominantly sexual mode of transmission(table 9.3.6).The availability of hospitalisation data for Indigenous people is significantlyreduced in the 2007 Report compared to previous Reports. AIHW analysis of thequality of Indigenous identification of hospital statistics has shown that while thequality is good in some jurisdictions, in other jurisdictions it is poor (AIHW 2005b).Consequently, Indigenous hospitalisation data are only available for Queensland,WA, SA and the NT.NSW, Victoria, Tasmania and the ACT are working with the AIHW to improve thequality of their Indigenous hospitalisation data. Hospitalisation data for fourjurisdictions should not be assumed to represent the hospitalisation experience inthe other jurisdictions.Non-Indigenous data from the AIHW includes hospitalisations of people identifiedas non-Indigenous as well as those with a ‘not stated’ Indigenous status.Tables 9.3.2 and 9.3.3 show much higher hospitalisation rates for Indigenous peoplethan non-Indigenous people for a range of potentially preventable chronic diseasesand for complications associated with diabetes.FUNCTIONAL ANDRESILIENT FAMILIESAND COMMUNITIES

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