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with the 1993 Western Australian Child Health Survey (WA CHS). There was aseven to eight year gap between the WA CHS and the WAACHS during which timethere may have been changes in overall access to specific services or facilities andthis may affect the interpretation of some of the findings.Some of the findings from the WAACHS and the WA CHS include:• The proportion of primary carers of Aboriginal children who reported beinghappy with access to community services and facilities 4 was, in most cases,significantly below that reported by carers of non-Aboriginal children in the1993 WA CHS (Silburn et al. 2006).• For primary carers of Aboriginal children, rates of reported satisfaction forservices such as a place where teenagers can get together, after school orvacation care and child care facilities were all at or below 30 per cent(Silburn et al. 2006).• As the level of relative isolation 5 increased, the proportion of carers ofAboriginal children who were satisfied with access to a community or childhealth clinic increased. This pattern was not present among carers ofnon-Aboriginal children (Silburn et al. 2006).• The levels of satisfaction with access to Aboriginal Medical Services increasedas the level of relative isolation increased (Silburn et al. 2006).Case studies on service engagementThe following case studies (boxes 9.7.2 to 9.7.8) are examples of initiatives thathave been undertaken to improve service engagement. These includeacknowledging Indigenous cultural perspectives in designing and deliveringprograms, and improving communication between Indigenous people and healthand legal services.Information on culturally appropriate justice practices for Indigenous people can befound in chapter 3, section 3.12 (boxes 3.12.2, 3.12.3 and 3.12.4 describe thesuccess of the Koori Courts in Victoria, Nunga Courts in SA and Murri Courts inQueensland, respectively).4 Community services and facilities included schools, police stations or regular patrols, publiclibraries, community centres, Department for Community Development (Welfare), child carefacilities and after school care or vacation care.5 The Level of Relative Isolation (LORI) was used to classify geographic remoteness in theWAACHS. Levels of Relative Isolation ranged from none (Perth metropolitan area) to low(Albany), moderate (Broome), high (Kalumburu) and extreme (Yiyili).OVERCOMINGINDIGENOUSDISADVANTAGE 2007

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