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—— and AIHW (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare) 2005, The Health andWelfare of Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, ABS Cat.no. 4704.0, AIHW Cat. no. IHW 14, Canberra.AIHW (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare) 2006, Chronic Diseases andAssociated Risk Factors in Australia, Cat no. PHE 81, Canberra.—— and DHFS (Department of Health and Family Services) 1998, IndigenousDisability Data, Current and Future Prospects, Canberra.Carson, B., Dunbar, T., Chenhall, R. and Bailie, R. 2007, Social Determinants ofIndigenous Health, Allen and Unwin, Sydney.3.3 Years 10 and 12 retention and attainmentABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics) 2007, Schools Australia 2006,Cat. no. 4221.0, Canberra.ACER (Australian Council for Educational Research) 2003, Patterns ofParticipation in Year 12, Research Report 33, Victoria.—— 2004a, The Case for Change: A Review of Contemporary Research inIndigenous Education Outcomes, Victoria.—— 2004b, Engaging Indigenous Students at School: An Evaluation of the DeadlyVibe Magazine, Victoria.Barnett, W.S. 1993, ‘Benefit-cost analysis of preschool education: findings from a25-year follow-up’, American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, vol. 63(4),pp. 500–508.Buckskin, P. 2000, Achieving Educational Equality for Indigenous Australians: apathway of hope, paper presented at the 2000 Curriculum Corporation SeventhNational Conference, Curriculum Corporation (Australia), Carlton South,Victoria, http://www.curriculum.edu.au/conference/papers/buckskin.pdf(accessed 1 August 2003).Clontarf Foundation 2006, Information Memorandum, Western Australia,http://www.clontarffootball.com/ (accessed 16 February 2007).DEST (Department of Education, Science and Training) 2002, National Report toParliament on Indigenous Education and Training 2001, Canberra.—— 2005, National Report to Parliament on Indigenous Education and Training2003, Canberra.—— 2006, National Report to Parliament on Indigenous Education and Training2004, Canberra.145

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