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Indicator Measure Data source5.5 Children with tooth decay Children’s mean number of teeth with decay, by remoteness andage group (4–14 years), selected years between 2000 and 2003,(NSW, SA and the NT combined)Proportion of children with decay-free teeth, by remoteness andage group (4–14 years), selected years between 2000 and 2003,(NSW, SA and the NT combined)Children’s mean number of teeth with decay, by age group (4–13years), 2002-03, (NT)Children’s mean number of teeth with decay, by age group (4–15years), 2002 (SA)Proportion of children with calculus and gingival bleeding, by agegroup (6-15 years), 2002 (SA)Hospital dental procedure rates for children aged 2–14 years, per100 000 children, by type of procedure and sex, 2002-03Hospital dental procedure rates for children aged 2–9 years, per100 000 children, by type of procedure and age, 2002-03Hospital dental procedure rates for children aged 2–14 years, per100 000 children, by type of procedure and remoteness area,2002-03Jamieson, Armfield and Roberts-Thomson (2006a)Jamieson, Armfield and Roberts-Thomson (2006a)Jamieson, Armfield and Roberts-Thomson (2006b)Ellershaw, Spencer and Slade (2005)Ellershaw, Spencer and Slade (2005)Jamieson and Roberts-Thomson (2006)Jamieson and Roberts-Thomson (2006)Jamieson and Roberts-Thomson (2006)6 Early school engagement and performance (preschool to year 3)6.1 Preschool and early learning Participation rates in preschool for 3,4 and 5 year old children,2005DEST (2006a), National Indigenous Preschool Census2005 (unpublished)6.2 School attendance School participation rates for 5 to 8 year old full time students, 2006 ABS National Schools Statistics Collection(unpublished)6.3 Year 3 literacy and numeracy Proportion of year 3 students who achieved reading and writingbenchmarks (1999–2005), and numeracy benchmarks (2000–2005)Proportion of year 3 students who achieved the reading, writing andnumeracy benchmarks, by jurisdiction, 2005MCEETYA (2007), National Report on Schooling inAustralia 2005MCEETYA (2007), National Report on Schooling inAustralia 2005A5.8

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