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mining royalties and tourism), Indigenous owned or controlled land can providepeople with a place to live, through either individual home ownership or communityhousing.Indigenous owned land as a proportion of each remoteness area, December20062520Per cent151050Major citiesInnerregionalOuterregionalRemote Very remote AustSource: ILC (unpublished); table 11A.3.2.Box 1.71Things that work• The main Report contains several examples of the benefits deriving fromIndigenous ownership and control of land, in terms of:– the customary economy– residential use and home ownership– commercial business– service delivery– land management/tradeable assets– eco-services (section 11.3).• The Indigenous Pastoral Program was established in 2003 in the NT to increasesustainable pastoral production on Indigenous land and Indigenous involvement inthe pastoral industry (box 11.3.2).Governance capacity and skillsCapacity building for good governance can take many forms. This indicatorprovides information on Indigenous participation in mainstream courses that areregarded as useful in developing skills relevant to governance. These include60 OVERCOMINGINDIGENOUSDISADVANTAGE 2007

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