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Table 11A.4.8Students of governance-related courses: management, commerce, businesslaw, economics and econometrics11.8 References11.1 Employment by full or part time status, by sector, industry andoccupationABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics) 2002, Year Book Australia 2002, no. 84, Cat.no. 1301.0, Canberra.——2006, Year Book Australia 2006, no. 88, Cat. no. 1301.0, Canberra.ATSIC (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission) 2003, Annual Report2003-04, Canberra.DEWR (Department of Employment and Work Relations) 2005, Annual Report2004-05, DEWR, Canberra, http://www.annualreport.dewrsb.gov.au/2005/chapter2_3/1404.htm (accessed 17 February 2007).Ganbina Koorie Economic Employment Training Agency,http://www.ganbina.com.au/ladders_to_success.html (accessed 3 May 2005).Hunter, B. 2004, Indigenous Australians in the Contemporary Labour Market, Cat.no. 2052.0, ABS, Canberra.——2002, Institutional Factors Underpinning Indigenous Labour ForceParticipation: The Role of the CDEP Scheme and Education, Working paper no.14, Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research, Australian NationalUniversity, Canberra.11.2 Self employment and Indigenous businessHunter, B. 1999, Indigenous Self-employment: Miracle Cure or Risky Business,Discussion paper no. 176, Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research,Australian National University, Canberra.IBA (Indigenous Business Australia) 2003, Report on Support for IndigenousBusiness, Australian Government, Canberra.Indigenous Stock Exchange 2004, News: Wujal Wujal Walker Family Tours, CapeYork, http://www.isx.org.au/news/news/Walkwuj.html (accessed 1 March2007).ECONOMICPARTICIPATION ANDDEVELOPMENT11.75

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