[[1-1-1]] [[Book-Chapter-Paragraph]] - Sanskrit Web

[[1-1-1]] [[Book-Chapter-Paragraph]] - Sanskrit Web

[[1-1-1]] [[Book-Chapter-Paragraph]] - Sanskrit Web


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d This Agni is lord of a thousandfold,.<br />

A hundredfold, strength;<br />

The sage, the head of wealth.<br />

e Bring him hither with common call<br />

Lower to our sacrifice, O Angiras.<br />

As the Rbhus bend the felly (of the chariot) [I]<br />

f To him, the heavenly,<br />

Now with constant voice, O Virupa,<br />

To the strong one urge the hymn of praise.<br />

g What Pani shall we lay low among the kine<br />

With the missile of this Agni<br />

Who seeth from afar?<br />

h May not the clans of the gods forsake us,<br />

Like the dawns entering the waters,<br />

As cows a poor man.<br />

i Let not the assault<br />

Of any ill-minded foe smite us,<br />

As a wave a ship.<br />

k Homage to thee, O Agni, for might,<br />

The people sing, O god;<br />

With strength [2] trouble thou the foe.<br />

l Wilt thou not, O Agni,<br />

Bring us wealth for our quest for cattle?<br />

O room maker, make room for us.<br />

m Cast us not aside in this great contest,<br />

Like a bearer his burden;<br />

Gather wealth and conquer it.<br />

n May this terror, this misfortune,<br />

O Agni, fasten on another than us;<br />

Increase our impetuous strength.<br />

o The reverent or generous man<br />

In whose offering he hath delighted,<br />

Agni aideth indeed with furtherance.<br />

p From a far [3] region<br />

Come hither to these lower ones,<br />

Favour those in the region where I am.<br />

q Since we have known of old<br />

Of thy help, O Agni, as a father's,<br />

Now we seek thy favour.<br />

r Thou, who art like a mighty man who slayeth with the dart<br />

Or a sharp-horned bull,<br />

O Agni, hast rent the forts.<br />

s O friends, together (offer) fit<br />

Food and praise to Agni,<br />

Highest over the folk,<br />

The son of strength, the mighty.<br />

t Thou gatherest, O strong one,<br />

All that belongeth, O Agni, to the niggard;<br />

Thou art kindled in the place of offering;<br />

Do thou bear us good things.<br />

u O Prajapati.<br />

v He knoweth.<br />

w O Soma and Pusan.<br />

x These gods.<br />

Keith: Taittiriya-Samhita, Translation - Page 122 of 341

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