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Trampling with their forefeet the enemy<br />

They unflinchingly destroy the foe.<br />

h The chariot-bearer is his oblation by name,<br />

Where is deposited his armour and his weapon;<br />

Then may we sit on the strong car,<br />

All the days, with friendly hearts.<br />

i The fathers with pleasant seats, granting strength,<br />

A support in trouble mighty and profound,<br />

With varied hosts, with arrows to strengthen them, free,<br />

With real heroes, broad conquerors of hosts.<br />

k The Brahmans [3], the fathers worthy of the Soma,<br />

And sky and earth, unequalled be propitious to us;<br />

May Pusan guard us from misfortune, us that prosper holy order<br />

Do thou guard; may no foe overpower us.<br />

I A feather her garment, a deer her tooth,<br />

Tied with cowhide she flieth shot forth;<br />

Where men run together and apart,<br />

There may the arrows accord us protection.<br />

m O thou of straight path, avoid us;<br />

Be our body as of stone<br />

May Soma favour us,<br />

And Aditi [4] grant protection!<br />

n Their backs it smites,<br />

Their thighs it belabours;<br />

O horse-whip, do ye stimulate<br />

The skilled horses in the battles.<br />

o Like a snake with its coils it encircleth his arm,<br />

Fending off the friction of the bowstring,<br />

Let the hand-guard, knowing all cunning,<br />

Manfully guard the man on all sides.<br />

p O lord of the forest, be strong of limb,<br />

Our comrade, efficacious, of great strength;<br />

Thou art tied with cowhide, be thou strong;<br />

Let him that mounteth thee conquer what is to be conquered.<br />

q From sky, from earth [5] is might collected,<br />

From trees is strength gathered;<br />

The might of the waters surrounded with the kine,<br />

Indra's thunderbolt, the chariot, do thou adore with oblation.<br />

r The thunderbolt of Indra, the face of the Maruts,<br />

The embryo of Mitra, the navel of Varuna,<br />

Do thou, accepting this our sacrifice,<br />

O chariot divine, take to thyself the oblations.<br />

s Roar to earth and sky;<br />

Let the scattered world be ware of thee in many places;<br />

Do thou, O drum, in unison with Indra and the gods [6],<br />

Drive away the foe further than far.<br />

t Roar thou! Grant us force and might.<br />

Thunder, overthrowing obstacles;<br />

Snort away, O drum, misfortune hence;<br />

Indra's fist art thou; show thy strength.<br />

u Drive to us those, and these make to come to us;<br />

The drum speaketh aloud for a signal (of battle)<br />

Our heroes winged with steeds meet together;<br />

Be our chariotmen victorious, O Indra.<br />

Keith: Taittiriya-Samhita, Translation - Page 207 of 341

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