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[[1-1-1]] [[Book-Chapter-Paragraph]] - Sanskrit Web


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Or those who are in the rays of the sun,<br />

Those whose seat is made in the waters,<br />

To those serpents honour.<br />

i Those that are the missiles of sorcerers,<br />

Or those that are among the trees,<br />

Or those that lie in the wells,<br />

To those serpents honour.<br />

[[4-2-9]]<br />

a Thou art firm, supporting, unoverpowered,<br />

Well wrought by Viçvakarman;<br />

Let not the ocean smite thee, nor the eagle;<br />

Unshaking do thou make firm the earth.<br />

b May Prajapati seat thee on the back of earth, capacious, extending; thou art extent, thou art earth,<br />

thou art the world, thou art the earth, thou art Aditi all-sustaining, sustainer of all the world; sustain<br />

the earth, make firm the earth, harm not the earth, for all expiration, cross-breathing, up-breathing,<br />

for support [1], for motion; may Agni protect thee with great prosperity, with most auspicious<br />

covering; with that deity, in the manner of Angiras, do thou sit firm.<br />

c Arising from every stem,<br />

From every joint,<br />

Do thou, O Durva, extend us<br />

With a thousand, a hundred.<br />

d Thou that extendest with a hundred,<br />

That arisest with a thousand,<br />

To thee, O goddess, O brick,<br />

Let us sacrifice with oblation.<br />

e Unovercomable art thou, overcoming, overcome our enemies, over come those that practise<br />

enmity.<br />

f Overcome the foe, overcome the foemen of a thousandfold strength [2] art thou; do thou inspirit<br />

me.<br />

g To the pious the winds pour honey,<br />

The streams honey;<br />

Be sweet to us the plants.<br />

h Sweet is the night, and sweet<br />

At dawn the air of earth,<br />

Sweet be the sky, our father.<br />

i Sweet to us be the lord of the forest,<br />

Sweet the sun,<br />

Sweet be the cows to us.<br />

k May the two great ones, sky and earth,<br />

Mingle for us this sacrifice;<br />

May they sustain us with support.<br />

l That highest step of Visnu [3]<br />

The singers ever gaze upon<br />

Like an eye stretched in the sky.<br />

m Thou art firm, O earth,<br />

Overcome the foemen;<br />

Fashioned by the gods hast thou come with ambrosia.<br />

n Those beams of thine, O Agni, which rising<br />

In the sun with rays envelop the sky,<br />

With all of them bring us to brilliance, to men.<br />

o Those flames of yours in the sun,<br />

O gods, in cattle, in horses,<br />

O Indra and Agni, O Brhaspati,<br />

Keith: Taittiriya-Samhita, Translation - Page 178 of 341

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