[[1-1-1]] [[Book-Chapter-Paragraph]] - Sanskrit Web

[[1-1-1]] [[Book-Chapter-Paragraph]] - Sanskrit Web

[[1-1-1]] [[Book-Chapter-Paragraph]] - Sanskrit Web


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May he go before us cleaving the foe;<br />

Joyously may he conquer our foes;<br />

May he win booty in the contest for booty.<br />

d Step widely, O Visnu;<br />

Give us broad space for dwelling in;<br />

Drink the ghee, thou whose birthplace is in the ghee;<br />

Lengthen (the years) of the lord of the sacrifice.<br />

e Soma goeth, who knoweth the way;<br />

He approacheth the place of the gods,<br />

To sit on the birthplace of Order .<br />

f Thou art the seat of Aditi.<br />

g Do thou sit on the seat of Aditi.<br />

h This, god Savitr, is the Soma of you (gods); guard it; let it escape you not.<br />

i So, O Soma, god to the gods, hast thou gone, and I here man to man, with offspring, with increase<br />

of wealth.<br />

k Honour to the gods I Homage to the Pitrs!<br />

1 Here (may) I (be free) from Varuna's noose; may I gaze on the heaven, on the light that is for all<br />

men,<br />

M Agni, lord of vows, thou art the vow-lord of vows.<br />

n May my body that bath been in thee be here in me; may thy body that hath been in me be there in<br />

thee.<br />

o Be aright the vows, O vow-lord, of both of us votaries.<br />

[[1-3-5]]<br />

a I have passed by some, I have not approached others.<br />

b I have found thee nearer than the farther, farther than the near.<br />

c So I welcome thee, that art of Visnu, for the sacrifice to the gods.<br />

d Let the god Savitr anoint thee with honey.<br />

e O plant, guard it.<br />

f O axe, harm it not.<br />

g With thy top graze not the sky, with thy middle harm not the atmosphere, with earth be united.<br />

h O tree, grow with a hundred shoots; may we grow with a thousand shoots.<br />

i Thou, whom this sharp axe hath brought forward for great good<br />

fortune, uncut, with wealth of heroes, (give us) riches.<br />

[[1-3-6]]<br />

a To I earth thee! To atmosphere thee! To sky thee!<br />

b Pure be the world where the Pitrs sit.<br />

c Thou art barley (yava); bar (yavaya) from us foes, bar evil spirits.<br />

d Thou art the seat of the Pitrs.<br />

e Thou art easy of approach, first among leaders; the tree will mount thee, be aware of it.<br />

f Let the god Savitr anoint thee with honey.<br />

g For the plants with good berries thee!<br />

h Support the sky, fill the atmosphere, with thy base make firm the earth.<br />

i To these dwellings of thine are we fain to go,<br />

Where are the many-horned active kine;<br />

There is resplendent the highest step<br />

Of the wide-stepping Visnu, the mighty!<br />

k Behold the deeds of Visnu<br />

Wherein he displayed his laws,<br />

Indra's true friend.<br />

l That highest step of Visnu<br />

The singers ever gaze upon<br />

Keith: Taittiriya-Samhita, Translation - Page 33 of 341

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