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[[1-1-1]] [[Book-Chapter-Paragraph]] - Sanskrit Web

[[1-1-1]] [[Book-Chapter-Paragraph]] - Sanskrit Web


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the gods.<br />

o With the impulse of strength,<br />

With elevation he hath seized me;<br />

Then Indra hath made my enemies<br />

Humble by depression.<br />

p The gods have increased my prayer,<br />

Which is elevation and depression;<br />

Then do ye, O Indra and Agni,<br />

Scatter my foes on every side.<br />

[[4-6-4]]<br />

a Swift, like a bull sharpening his horns, the warrior<br />

Fond of slaughter, disturber of the people,<br />

Bellowing, unwinking, sole hero,<br />

Indra at once conquered a hundred hosts.<br />

b With the bellowing, unwinking, conquering,<br />

Fighter, hard to overthrow, and daring Indra,<br />

With Indra do ye conquer, do ye withstand<br />

The foe, O heroes, with the strong one who holdeth the arrow in his hands.<br />

c He is mighty with those who have arrows in their hands and quivers,<br />

Indra who joineth hosts with his band,<br />

Conquering in combat, drinker of Soma, with many a band,<br />

With bow uplifted, and shooter with well-drawn arrows.<br />

d O Brhaspati, fly round with thy chariot [1],<br />

Slaying the foe, driving away the enemy;<br />

Defeating hosts, destroyer, victor in battle,<br />

Be thou protector of our chariots.<br />

e The cleaver of the cowstalls, finder of the cows, with the thunderbolt on his arm,<br />

Victorious, crushing in might a host,<br />

Be heroes, O my fellows, like him;<br />

O comrades, follow in Indra's footsteps.<br />

f Conspicuous by might, strong, heroic,<br />

Enduring, mighty, steadfast, dread,<br />

Surpassing heroes and warriors born of strength,<br />

Do thou, winning kine, mount, O Indra, thy victorious car.<br />

g In might penetrating the cowstalls,<br />

Impetuous [2], the hero, Indra, with wrath a hundredfold,<br />

Hard to resist, enduring in battle, unovercomable,<br />

May he aid our armies in the battles.<br />

h Indra (be) their leader, and let Brhaspati,<br />

The sacrificial fee, the sacrifice and Soma go before;<br />

Let the Maruts precede the hosts divine,<br />

That overthrow and conquer.<br />

i Of Indra, the strong, of Varuna, the king,<br />

Of the Adityas, of the Maruts the mighty host--<br />

The voice hath ascended of the gods<br />

Great-hearted that shake the worlds as they conquer.<br />

k Ours (be) Indra, when the standards meet;<br />

Ours be the arrows that conquer [3];<br />

Ours be the heroes who are victors,<br />

And us do ye aid, O gods, at our invocations.<br />

l Exalt our weapons, O bounteous one,<br />

Exalt the might of my warriors;<br />

Exalt the strength of the steed, O slayer of Vrtra,<br />

Keith: Taittiriya-Samhita, Translation - Page 204 of 341

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