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[[1-1-1]] [[Book-Chapter-Paragraph]] - Sanskrit Web

[[1-1-1]] [[Book-Chapter-Paragraph]] - Sanskrit Web


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Do thou in accord with Yama and Yami<br />

Mount this highest vault.<br />

h The bond that Nirrti, the goddess,<br />

Bound on thy neck, not to be loosened,<br />

This I loosen for thee as from the middle of life;<br />

Then living, let loose, do thou eat the food.<br />

i Thee in whose cruel mouth here I make offering,<br />

For the loosening of these bonds,<br />

As 'earth' men know thee,<br />

As 'Nirrti' [3], I know thee on every side.<br />

k Seek the man who poureth not offering nor sacrifices;<br />

The road of the thief and robber thou followest;<br />

Seek another than us, that is thy road;<br />

Homage be to thee, O Nirrti, O goddess.<br />

l Praising Nirrti, the goddess,<br />

Like a father his son, I weary her with my words;<br />

She who knoweth all that is born,<br />

Discerneth, the lady, every head.<br />

m Abode and collector of riches,<br />

Every form she discerneth with might [4],<br />

Like the god Savitr of true laws,<br />

Like Indra, she standeth at the meeting of the ways.<br />

n Make firm the straps,<br />

Fasten the buckets;<br />

We shall drain the well full of water,<br />

That never is exhausted, never faileth.<br />

o The well with buckets fastened,<br />

With strong straps, that yieldeth abundantly,<br />

Full of water, unexhausted, I drain.<br />

p The sages yoke the ploughs;<br />

They stretch apart the yokes,<br />

Wise with goodwill among the gods.<br />

q Yoke the ploughs, stretch apart the yokes,<br />

Here sow in the womb made ready the seed [5]<br />

Through our song be there audience with profit for us;<br />

May the ripe (grain) be brought low by the sickle.<br />

r The plough, of keen share,<br />

Propitious, with well-polished handle,<br />

Plougheth up a cow, a sheep,<br />

And a fat blooming maid,<br />

A chariot support with a platform.<br />

s With prosperity may our ploughs cleave the ground,<br />

With prosperity may the ploughers go round the yokes;<br />

Prosperity (may) Parjanya (give) with honey and milk,<br />

And do ye, O Çuna and Sira, accord prosperity to us.<br />

t Wishes, O milker of wishes, do thou milk<br />

To Mitra and Varuna;<br />

To Indra, to Agni, to Pusan,<br />

To the plants, and to offspring.<br />

u The furrow anointed with ghee, with honey,<br />

Approved by the All-gods, the Maruts,<br />

Full of strength, swelling with milk,<br />

Do thou, O furrow, turn towards us with milk.<br />

Keith: Taittiriya-Samhita, Translation - Page 174 of 341

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