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[[1-1-1]] [[Book-Chapter-Paragraph]] - Sanskrit Web


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With Indra and the gods conjoined on the strew<br />

Let him sit, as Hotr, well skilled for sacrificing.<br />

k Thee of most resplendent fame<br />

Men invoke in their dwellings,<br />

With flaming hair, O dear to many,<br />

O Agni, to bear the oblation.<br />

1 O friends, together (offer) fit [3]<br />

Food and praise to Agni,<br />

Highest over the folk,<br />

The son of strength, the mighty.<br />

m Thou gatherest, O strong one,<br />

O Agni, all that belongeth to the niggard;<br />

Thou art kindled in the place of offering;<br />

Do thou bear us good things.<br />

n With this homage Agni,<br />

Son of strength, I invoke,<br />

Dear, most effectual messenger, the good sacrificer,<br />

The envoy of all, immortal.<br />

o He, the ruddy, shall yoke (his steeds) all cherishing,<br />

He shall hasten when well adored;<br />

The sacrifice hath good prayer and strong effort [4],<br />

Of the Vasus, the divine gift of men.<br />

p The radiance of the bounteous offerer<br />

Hath mounted on high,<br />

The ruddy smoke (riseth) touching the sky;<br />

Men in unison kindle Agni.<br />

q O Agni, lording it over strength rich in kine,<br />

Youthful son of strength,<br />

Bestow upon us, O all-knower, great fame.<br />

r Being kindled, bright, sage,<br />

Agni, to be praised with song,<br />

Do thou shine with wealth for us, O thou of many faces.<br />

s O Agni, lord of the night,<br />

And of the morning, and of the dawn,<br />

Do thou burn against the Raksases with sharp jaws [5].<br />

t May we kindle thee, O Agni,<br />

Radiant, O god, and unaging;<br />

When this most desirable<br />

Kindling-stick maketh radiance for thee in the sky,<br />

Do thou bear food to thy praisers.<br />

u With the song, O Agni, the oblation,<br />

O lord of brilliant light,<br />

Bright shining, wonderworker, lord of the people,<br />

O bearer of the oblation, is offered to thee;<br />

Do thou bear food to thy praisers.<br />

v O bright one, in thy mouth thou cookest<br />

Both ladles (full) of butter;<br />

Do thou make us full [6],<br />

For our hymns, O lord of strength;<br />

Do thou bear food to thy praisers.<br />

w O Agni to-day, let us make to prosper by praises,<br />

By devotions, for thee this (sacrifice) like a (good) steed,<br />

Like a noble resolve which toucheth the heart.<br />

x O Agni, thou hast become master<br />

Keith: Taittiriya-Samhita, Translation - Page 190 of 341

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