[[1-1-1]] [[Book-Chapter-Paragraph]] - Sanskrit Web

[[1-1-1]] [[Book-Chapter-Paragraph]] - Sanskrit Web

[[1-1-1]] [[Book-Chapter-Paragraph]] - Sanskrit Web


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[[4-6-8]]<br />

a Let not Mitra, Varuna, Aryaman, Ayu,<br />

Indra, Rbhuksan, the Maruts disregard us,<br />

When we shall proclaim before the assembly<br />

The might of the strong god-born steed.<br />

b When they bear before him, covered with a garment and with wealth<br />

The gift they have seized,<br />

The goat, all-formed, bleating,<br />

Goeth straight to the dear stronghold of Indra and Pusan.<br />

c This goat is led before the strong steed<br />

As share of Pusan, connected with the All-gods,<br />

When Tvastr impels him as an acceptable sacrifice<br />

Together with the steed for fair renown [1].<br />

d When men thrice lead round in due season<br />

The steed going to the gods as an acceptable offering<br />

Then first goeth Pusan's share,<br />

The goat announcing the sacrifice to the gods.<br />

e Hotr Adhvaryu, atoner, fire kindler,<br />

Holder of the stone, and skilled reciter,<br />

With this well-prepared sacrifice<br />

Well offered do ye fill the channels.<br />

f The cutters of the stake, the bearers of the stake,<br />

And they that fashion the top piece for the stake for the horse,<br />

And they that collect the cooking-pot for the steed [2],<br />

May their approval quicken us.<br />

g He hath come forth--efficacious hath been my prayer--<br />

To the regions of the gods, straight backed;<br />

In him the sages, the seers, rejoice,<br />

For the prosperity of the gods a good friend have we made.<br />

h The bond of the strong one, the tie of the steed,<br />

The head stall, the rope of him,<br />

And the grass placed in his mouth,<br />

May all these of thine be with the gods.<br />

i Whatever of the horse's raw flesh [3] the fly eateth,<br />

Whatever on the chip or the axe hath stuck,<br />

Whatever is on the hands, the nails of the slayer,<br />

May all these of thine be with the gods.<br />

k The refuse that bloweth forth from the belly,<br />

The smell of raw flesh,<br />

Let the slayers see that in order<br />

Let them cook the fat to a turn.<br />

I Whatever flieth away from thy limb<br />

As it is cooked by the fire when thou art spitted,<br />

Let it fall not on earth, nor on the grass;<br />

Be that given to the eager gods.<br />

[[4-6-9]]<br />

a Those who watch for the cooking of the strong one,<br />

And call out, 'It is fragrant; take it out,'<br />

And who wait to beg for the meat of the steed,<br />

May their approval quicken us.<br />

b The trial spoon of the meat-cooking pot,<br />

The vessels to hold the juice,<br />

Keith: Taittiriya-Samhita, Translation - Page 209 of 341

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