bahasa indonesia



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Sopir bis berkata:'Jangan merokok di dalarn bis ini!'<br />

The bus driver said:'Donmt smoke on this bus!'<br />

Sopir bis men~uruh penurnpang supaya jangan merokok di dalam bis<br />

itu.<br />

The driver told the passengers not to smoke on that bus.<br />

Guru berkata kepada murid-murid: 'Kumpulkan tugas itu besok.'<br />

The teacher said to thq students: 'Submit the work tomorrow.'<br />

Guru men~uruh murid-murid supava rnengumpulkan tugas itu<br />

besok.<br />

The teacher told the students tg submit the work tomorrow.<br />

If the prefix of the verb in the command has been dropped (see Chapter<br />

28), put it back.<br />

Rini berkata:'Bantu saya ya'<br />

Rini said:'Help me, won't you?<br />

Rini meminta saya supava membantu dia.<br />

Rini asked me help her.<br />

Bapak berkata kepada saya:'Tolong buang sampah ini!<br />

Father said to me:'Pfease throw this rubbish away'<br />

Bapak meminta saya supaya mernbuang sampah itu.<br />

Father asked me & throw that rubbish away.<br />

- -<br />

Look at the following sets of pictures. Picture A has a command in<br />

direct speech. Write a sentence for Picture B using indirect speech,<br />

report in^ what is said in Picture A.<br />

Picture B I n I<br />

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