bahasa indonesia



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Ke-an also forms abstract nouns. By 'abstract' we mean things that we<br />

cannot touch, see or feel.<br />

bahagia<br />

bersi h<br />

happy<br />

clean<br />

kebahagiaan<br />

kebersihan<br />

happiness<br />

cleanliness<br />

cantik<br />

beautiful<br />

kecanti kan<br />

beauty<br />

cepat<br />

fast<br />

kecepatan<br />

speed, velocity<br />

duduk<br />

to sit<br />

kedudukan<br />

position, rank<br />

gembira<br />

joyful<br />

kegembi raan<br />

joyfulness, excitement<br />

giat<br />

active<br />

kegiatan<br />

activity<br />

hidup<br />

live<br />

kehidupan<br />

life<br />

kacau<br />

mixed up<br />

kekacauan<br />

havoc<br />

kuat<br />

l isan<br />

maju<br />

mati<br />

strong<br />

oral<br />

to go forward<br />

to die<br />

kekuatan<br />

kelisanan<br />

kemajuan<br />

Icematian<br />

strength. power<br />

orality, oracy<br />

progress, advancement<br />

death<br />

puas<br />

satisfied<br />

kepuasan<br />

satisfaction<br />

satu<br />

one<br />

kesatuan<br />

unity<br />

sehat<br />

healthy<br />

kesehatan<br />

health<br />

We can also attach ke-an to words that already have a prefix, such as<br />

ber-. For example, the word berada (to be at a place) comes from the<br />

base word ada [there idare, exist)and the prefix ber-. When we add<br />

ke-an, we get keberadaan, which means 'existence'.<br />

Below are more examples.<br />

a Did<br />

beraksara literate keberaksaraan literacy<br />

bersama together kebersamaan togetherness<br />

YOU LnoW<br />

We can also form longer ke--an abstract nouns by adding the<br />

negative word tidak before the base word.<br />

Tidak adil not fair ketidakadilan injustice<br />

Tidak mengerti not understand ketidakmengertian incomprehension<br />

Tidak pasti not certain ketidakpastian uncertainty<br />

Tidak tahu not know ketidaktahuan ignorance

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