bahasa indonesia



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combining<br />

Write simple<br />

a phrases and<br />

10: complex<br />

Umur saya 20 tahun.<br />

My age is 20 years. i I am 20 years old.<br />

Kota kelahiran saya Melbourne.<br />

My birthplace is Melbourne.<br />

Makanan kesukaan sava nasi goreng dan sambal.<br />

My favourite food is fried rice and chilli sauce.<br />

2 Description of a pet?<br />

Nama kucinv saya Manis.<br />

My cat's name is Manis,<br />

Warna bulu Manis putih.<br />

The colour of Manis's fur is white.<br />

Makanan kesukaan Manis ikan goreng.<br />

Manis's favourite food is fried fish.<br />

Umur Manis 20 bulan.<br />

Manis's age is 20 months. + Manis is.20 months old.<br />

--<br />

Summary<br />

Noun phrases can be:<br />

-noun + posses so^ for example, topi saya<br />

--noun + another noun; for example, rumah rnakan<br />

-noun + adjedve; for example, rumah besar<br />

--noun + verb; for example, kamar mandi<br />

Remember that, as a general rule, the thing to which you are referring comes<br />

first and everything else comes after it When translating complex noun<br />

phrases from English, work your way from right to lek<br />

d ni,. ,a<br />

hough, you<br />

n phrases<br />

L simple<br />

g similar<br />

[our own<br />

pause after 1<br />

Noun Phrases 19

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