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rig111 on trmr. tepat pada wahtunya<br />

finm time to trme sewaktu-uahtu I kildaog-kadang<br />

at the same timc pada wahtu yang sama I sekaligus<br />

ttme (= occas~on) kali eiery time setiap kali<br />

tirnc after time (= repeatedly) berkali-kali<br />

time (= per~od, era) janian (fo~nlal zaman) In the<br />

tlme ofthe VOC Pada jamall VOC'<br />

any tlmc kapan saja<br />

all the time (= always) selalu<br />

at no time (= ncver) tak pernali<br />

for the time being untuk semcntara<br />

to take one's tlme (2 not n~.;h) dengan santai I<br />

ticlak terburu-burn<br />

to take trmc out (= have a hre'lh, rest) beristirahat<br />

time off (- a hol~day) libur<br />

in quick time cepat-cepat All In good t1mt.1 (=he<br />

patrcnt) Saharlah dolu!<br />

to throw n~elt~nparkan (e g ball, stone); meuynrotkan<br />

(Irplit)<br />

to throw away (ruhhlsh) nlen~buang<br />

to throw down n~enjatul~kan<br />

to throw on (clothes) men~akai (baju) dengan<br />

tergess-gesa<br />

to throw over (= abandon) mesinggalkan<br />

to throw out (= ebict) mengusir, (= reject) menolah<br />

to throw up (= vomlt) niuntah<br />

to throw a party ~tiengadakan pecta<br />

to throw a fit bertingkah I menanjshkan emosi<br />

to (direction toward, a place) kt.<br />

(to a person) kepada<br />

(talking to) dengan<br />

to (for, ~lsed foror) untuh moncq to buy food ualig<br />

untuk n~embeli maka~i<br />

to (up to, until, as far as) sanipai<br />

to (regarding. toward) terhadap att~tude towanl<br />

corruption sihap terhadap korupsi<br />

to (= before the hour) kurang. a quarter to oue jam<br />

satu huraog seperempat<br />

io ordel to supaya<br />

N~IL. the 'to' of the Engllsh ~rlfirl~t~ve (e.g. 'tc<br />

g~ve') has no Indoneslnn trsnslation<br />

-- -- ~<br />

oo (- excessive) terlalu- Your composition's too<br />

long. Kara~igsntnu terlalu panjang.<br />

'I1'1t's too rn~lch! (7 go111g too far) Terlalu!<br />

oo ( also) juga. The~r cat's fat too. Kncing<br />

rnerkka juga gen~uk.<br />

bun He feels sad too Dia pr~u merasa sedih.<br />

oo much (- In excess) lehih. Th15 account's<br />

100,000 too much. Rtkcni~ig ini 1OO.OOO lebih<br />

[ho had' Sayang sekali!<br />

111 too soon terlalu cepat<br />

o toucl~ (= hmsh lightly agninrt, coli~e into contact<br />

w~th) n~enyentuli<br />

o he touching, to touch e'rch other hersentuha~r<br />

o touch (= feel, handle) menjamah<br />

0 touch (= grope, caress, fondle) n~eraba<br />

o touch (11p)on(a subject) menyinggung<br />

o touch, he touching (the hcart) mengliarukan<br />

o get in touch with (-contact) n~engl~ubu~igi<br />

o heep in toucl~ tetap berbubungan<br />

o touch down (= land, aircraft) nieodarat<br />

.rue (=right, correct, according to fact) benar<br />

lrue (= genuine) scjati<br />

true (= exact) c~~cok<br />

kue (-- loyal) setia<br />

tnrc (7 actual) sebenarnya<br />

true (= real, not a he) betul<br />

to colric true (= he granted, wish) terkahul<br />

to hc true to one's word n~ematul~i janji<br />

It's true! (= not k~dding) Betul!<br />

truc to l~fc (= according to the facts) sesuai (leegan<br />

kenyataan<br />

true to film = accord~ng to cbnracter) sesuai dcngan<br />

watakt~ya<br />

to turn ([rntrans.], in a certain d~rectlon) beluk<br />

(more formal. berbilok). to turn to the north beloh<br />

ke uhra<br />

to turn ([intrans.], = go round, e.g wheel) berputar<br />

to turn (= become) menjadi. It turned sour. Menjacli<br />

pahit.<br />

to turn ([trans.]. = hlrn over) men~balik to tllrll tllc<br />

page niembalik lralamat~<br />

to turn (records, tapes) niemotar

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